Geelong Grammar School Corio Masterplan

Celebrating the layers of history and evolving the campus for the next 100 years.

Project team:
Andrew Burns, Luke Pigliacampo, Tiffany Liew, Jaymus Lim

Working closely with GGS executive and operations team and a core consultant team comprising MALA Studio and GHD Sustainability, Architecture AND have completed a masterplan for the Geelong Grammar School Corio Campus.

The masterplan is structured around three key aspects; living, learning and enabling. This framework provided a comprehensive basis to develop a robust vision for the future of the campus across staff and student housing, academic, recreational and supporting facilities.

Site plan. Courtesy: MALA Studio.

Reinstatement of School Road axis.

A deep process of engagement was undertaken, involving  wisdom holder interviews, vision workshops, staff and executive ‘sensemaking’ workshops, questionnaires and Crowdspot online surveys, in addition to the many conversations and relationships formed between the project team and the GGS community. Through this process, the masterplan outcome is reflective of the GGS community, enabling future modifications to the campus to align with the intention of the community and the GGS Strategic Framework.

The masterplan has resulted in the identification of the historic core as the ‘campus heart’, complimented by innovative learning precincts to the western and northern edges of the campus, engaged with the agricultural fields.

Humanities spine.

Middle School.